Saturday, April 30, 2011 C++ SUMMING THE PROGRAM DATA IN THE ARRAY Array (array) is a data type tersetruktur within which consist of components - components that have the same data type. In an array of...
Thursday, April 28, 2011 C++ COMBINATION PROGRAM The combination is to combine several objects from a group without regard to order . In combination , the order is not considered. ...
Wednesday, April 27, 2011 C++ PROGRAM 2-DIMENSIONAL ARRAY (MATRIX) Two- dimensional array is an array that has two subscripts of rows and columns . The number of elements that have two -dimension...
10:07 AM C++ PERMUTATION PROGRAM Permutation is to combine several objects from a group with respect to the order . In the permutation , the order observed . { 1,2...
Tuesday, April 26, 2011 C++ OPERATIONS ARITHMETIC & LOGIC OPERATIONS WITH POINTERS A pointer variable can only do arithmetic operations with integer values only. Commonly performed operation is addition an...
Sunday, April 24, 2011 C++ Program Mencari KPK dari bilangan integer Deskripsi a,b : integer nilai : integer Deklarasi for i == 1 to b do nilai = nilai + a i...
1:17 AM Jeliot (jeliot) Fungsi Menghitung Volume Bola import*; public class volume { public static void main() { int r ; float volume; System.out.print("Masukan ...
1:12 AM C++ Program untuk Mencari Nilai Kuadrat Deklarasi: Kuadrat(Y,X): integer if(x==1) else return y*kuadrat(y,x-1); Output: H...
1:08 AM C++ Program Membalik Angka Deklarasi: Balik,tempat,n: integer Deklarasi: temp = temp * 10 + n % 10; if (temp == 0) cout << ...
1:04 AM (Jeliot) Program Mencari Nilai Maximum import*; public class maximum { public void masuk(){ System.out.print("nilai a : "); a=Input.readInt(); ...
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 Java (Class) Menghitung Jumlah Deret #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class hitung { public: int proses(); v...
10:28 PM Jeliot (Jeliot) Menghitung Jumlah Deret import*; public class hitung { public void input(){ System.out.println("tentukan nilai n:"); n=Inpu...
Saturday, April 16, 2011 C++ Program mencari hasil penjumlahna dari beberapa data atau angka yang di inputkan #include <iostream.h> class jumlah{ public : void masukan(); penjumlahan(); void keluaran(); private...