The combination is to combine several objects from a group without regard to order. In combination, the order is not considered. {1,2,3} is equal to {2,3,1} and {3,1,2}. Example: A child may only take two envelopes of the three envelopes provided by the envelope A, envelope B and C. The envelope Determine how many combinations to take the two envelopes of the three envelope provided?
Solution: There are three combinations, namely: A, B, A-C and B-C.
The following is a program of combinmasi please understand may help your problem:
Solution: There are three combinations, namely: A, B, A-C and B-C.
The following is a program of combinmasi please understand may help your problem:
# include <iostream>
# include <conio.h>
int factorial (int x);
void main ()
int n, r, combination;
court <<"\ t \ tSlamet Islan Al Hidayah" <<endl;
court <<"\ t \ t 10018075" <<endl;
court <<endl;
court <<"Calculating Combination Program (NCR)" <<endl;
court <<endl;
court <<"Enter a value of n:"; cin>> n;
court <<"Enter a value of r:"; cin>> r;
combination = factorial (n) / (factorial (r) * factorial (nr));
court <<endl;
court <<"The combination is:" <<combination;
getch ();
int factorial (int n) {
int fak;
if (n <= 1) {
fak = 1;}
else {
fak = n * factorial (n-1);}
return (fak);
Output :
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